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Cozy Corner
The perfect place for a ✨ Time In ✨

What’s a Cozy Corner?
It’s a comfy place for your toddler to self-soothe and let out big feelings safely and constructively.

In the short-term, it helps your toddler soothe and settle big feelings in the heat of the moment while building resilience.

In the long-term, it builds trust in your relationship and helps them name their upset feelings while practicing healthy ways to cope.


✨ Center it around a soft, cozy chair or a snuggly blankie. This will help their body feel calmer

Include something for your toddler to hug. Explain to your child that when they feel sad or mad they can hug the lovey/stuffy to feel better.

✨ Print out this feelings chart, and keep it in the cozy corner to help your little one identify how they’re feeling.

✨ Include drawing materials, so they can let big feelings out without relying on words.

✨ Add in something they can squish like a stress ball, this is especially helpful for anger and fear as our emotions are connected to our bodies.

✨ Include a book about feelings!

Key things to remember:

*Don't expect your toddler to be able to use their cozy corner for every tantrum! You're planting coping skill seeds here - it will take time to see them use their cozy corner on their own.

*Stay with them! You're regulating *with* them and staying present through their big feelings. If your child asks for some space to be by themselves, that is okay too! Let them know “I’ll be right over here if you need me or want a hug.” Reminder: We are never “sending them” to their cozy corner.


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